New ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ Trailer Swings In


If anyone has ever dreamed of understanding a fight for equality, through the perspective of a gorilla, now is your chance with 20th Century Fox’s new Dawn of the Planet of the Apes trailer. The apes continue their struggle to pursue peace, in the new sci-fi film, set ten years after Rupert Wyatt’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011).

This sequel is directed by Matt Reeves, previously known for directing Let Me In (2010), a story centering on a boy who develops a friendship with a young vampire, after he has been bullied  In Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the apes have re-grouped themselves in a separate area than the humans. It’s human against gorilla, as the two species fight for control of the earth, and expose the flaws of exclusion.

The trailer (below) showcases the explosive reactions the humans have to the tribes of simians, who want to expand the society that they have been building (in a pretty bleak environment). The leader of the apes, Ceasar (Andy Serkis) attempts to thwart the apes from attacking humankind. Luckily, the apes have the human, Malcolm (Jason Clarke) on their side, who sees the gorillas and humans as one.

Director, Reeves described the film as “an ape-point-of-view movie,” in an interview with Hero Complex. This film seems to be aiming for a more authentic feel than most motion-capture films which shoot in a studio on “volume” stages and later get enhanced digitally. This film was created onsite in the woods.

Come July 11, a 3D Dawn of the Planet of the Apes will be swinging into a theatre near you.

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