Netflix in Talks to Aquire J.J. Abrams’ Next ‘Cloverfield’ Based Film

Paramount is considering handing over God Particle, J.J. AbramsCloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane follow-up, to Netflix.

Details of the film’s plot haven’t been particularly illuminating. However, what little information they’ve offered seems to suggest the makings of your standard space-thriller; i.e., An isolated crew on a space station running into trouble, and having to then fight for their lives.

Initially the film was set to be released on April 20, but after Paramount’s somewhat new chairman, Jim Gianopulos, reviewed the release slate he had inherited, things began to change. Gianopulos has been attempting to identify which release platforms will offer each individual movie the most potential for success. Paramount’s film Annihilation, for example, will now only have three short-lived weeks in theaters until it’s available for streaming on Netflix.

It’s been rumored that God Particle’s move to Netflix may be more than Gianopulos attempting to find the right fit. Some believe that the overwhelming workload of Star Wars resulted in Abrams delivering a less-than-satisfactory final product. Abrams had announced his intention for more work to be done in post, but apparently that wasn’t enough to stop Paramount’s chairman from initiating talks with the digital streaming service.

Sean Helton: An English major from CSUF with an arguably meaningless certificate in film from OCC. Former production assistant and current food stylist on various movies and television shows.
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