Marvel’s ‘Deadpool 2’ Already on Track for Success with Test Audiences

The anticipated Deadpool sequel, starring Ryan Reynolds, has exceeded the original in its test screening scores as it gets ready to open to the public in nearly two months, according The Hollywood Reporter.

The wise cracking Marvel Superhero has already been tested three times with scores ranging between 91 and 97.  The final test which was in a screening room in Dallas Texas, brought the ratings to an impressive 98 and 94, which sources compared the audience to being electric and as akin to watching the Super Bowl.

The sequel has by far surpassed the original in the test screening as the first Deadpool ranked at 91, according to insiders. Furthermore, the original Deadpool did go on to gross 783 million worldwide as it now stands as the highest grossing X-Men film of all time.

The screen tests are done by studios as a way of recruiting audiences, showing them a cut version of the film and having them rate it using boxes including: excellent, very good, good fair and poor.  In addition, audiences are asked to answer questionnaires as well as followup discussions. The end result is taken after 6 days of reshooting for Deadpool 2 as a result of audience feedback over the course of the last month in Vancouver.

Deadpool 2 also stars a series of newcomers, including Josh Brolin as Cable, Zazie Beetz as Domino, and Julian Dennison. The action-packed sequel will be coming to theaters May 18, 2018.

White Julie: My name is Julie White and I'm a freelance journalist specializing in the entertainment industry. I currently have a Master of Arts in New Media Journalism which gives me special incite into the social media and branding tools to truly stand out. I also have my bachelor of arts from Cal State University Northridge in Broadcast Journalism so that I am well versed in all the broadcast lingo to fully produce visual stories for a modern day audience. I pride myself on my unique storytelling and research skills and I always try to stay on top of what's going on in the current events.
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