Fans of comic books and/or movies based on comic books, you will want mark these dates on your calendars: July 28, 2017; November 3, 2017; July 6, 2018; November 2, 2018; and May 3, 2019. What films are coming out each of those days? Who knows? Well, the folks at Marvel definitely know, but they’re not telling. Yes, Marvel, the current king of comic book films has announced the release dates for five of their upcoming movies, but haven’t dropped any titles yet.
To announce this many films in the future, Marvel is of course baking on the success of their upcoming films. But why shouldn’t they? Based on the record-breaking box office returns of their recent projects, the company has good reason to be confident about their impending financial success (critical success is less predictable, but not much of a concern when compared against money).
The upcoming Marvel films with known titles and planned release dates are: Guardians of the Galaxy – August 1, 2014; Avengers: Age of Ultron – May 1, 2015; Ant-Man – July 17, 2015; the third Captain America – May 6, 2016; and Doctor Strange – July 8, 2016. Any or all of the five unknowns could be sequels to these movies. But, it’s the possibility of new franchises that will stoke the inferno of fan speculation.
So, let’s give these fans some lighter fluid. Here are but a few of the comic book titles that could appearing on a big screen on any of those dates: Black Panther, Runaways, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Heroes for Hire, Defenders, Mighty Avengers, Secret Avengers, Great Lakes Avengers, S.W.O.R.D., Nextwave, Blade, Black Widow, and Howard the Duck.