Deadline has just announced that Marisa Tomei, Aunt May of Spider-Man Homecoming has just been announced to star against Liev Schreiber (Ray Donovan) and Alex Wolff (Hereditary) in a new film, Human Capital. The film is an adaptation of a 2005 novel of the same name written by Stephen Amidon. The novel is about one middle class family and one privileged family chasing the American Dream. As their stories begin to intertwine, the children from each family fall for each other, bridging the social divide between them and bringing in a plethora of drama along the way.
This film however is not the first to adapt Stephen Amidon’s novel to the big screen. The Italian director, Paolo Virzì was behind the first film adaptation of the 2005 novel. His film Il capitale umano (Human Capital), which was released in 2013, received critical acclaim. The film won 7 Donatello Awards, including best picture. The Donatello Awards for those who are wondering are, to which Deadline states, basically just the Oscars for Italy.
The American adaptation has Marc Meyers, director of My Friend Dahmer, set to be at the helm of the film. He is collaborating with screenwriter Oren Moverman who also wrote The Messenger. The film is being produced by Maven Pictures who also produced the excellent Still Alice starring Julianne Moore and most recently The Kindergarten Teacher starring Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Production of the film began November 12 in New York. It has no release date as of now but should be interesting to say the least.