Lions, Rebels and Guns Galore! Megan Fox leads the way in Trailer for ‘Rogue’

The lush landscape of the African plains is a wonder to gaze upon and for trouble to stir. Megan Fox (Transformers) plays Samantha O’Hara, a mercenary whose team becomes trapped after a rescue mission that pits her and her team against a group of rebels and lions. The film is directed by M.J. Bassett (Silent Hill: Revelation) and along with her daughter Isabel, have written the film’s script together. The supporting cast includes Phillip Winchester, Callie Taylor, Jessica Sutton and Lee-Anne Liebenberg.

Lionsgate is handling the distribution rights to Rogue and the film is scheduled to be released on demand on August 28 2020. With some impressive looking action sequences and the chance to see Megan Fox kick some butt, the movie does look to impress if not appearing to be the best of action films. Nevertheless, there are some scary moments in the preview and Rogue may be impressive but we’ll have to wait just a bit longer before the film’s release next month. Check out the trailer below and decide for yourself if the movie is worth your time and money.

“When the hunter becomes the prey.”

Rick Rice: A kid at heart who has loved watching movies from a very young age. Credit must be given to Siskel and Ebert whose film reviews educated me on the world of film inspired me to become a writer myself. I love to read books that range from various topics, copious amounts of research is something that excites me and of course sitting in a movie theater is a highlight of my life. When I'm not watching movies or reading I enjoy listening to foreign music and working hard on finishing my short stories. Currently working on my degree in English with a plan to enroll into Film School with the dream of becoming a screenwriter and director.
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