The newest addition to a series of clips from the upcoming Jobs biodrama starring Ashton Kutcher was recently released. The trailer offers a quick summary of the film’s plot line, which will follow the events of legendary Apple founder Steve Jobs. The film stars Kutcher in the leading role as Jobs, as well as Amanda Crew, James Woods, Dermot Mulroney, Lukas Haas, Josh Gad, and J.K. Simmons. The film was directed by Joshua Michael Stern, whose best known film was 2008’s Swing Vote starring Kevin Costner. Jobs was written by Matt Whiteley and stands as the scribe’s first screenplay, an impressive start to Whiteley’s career as a writer.
As mxdwn Movies previously reported, the film opens nationwide August 16th, and will be the first of several in-progress Steve Jobs biopics to hit theaters.

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