Joaquin Phoenix Discusses ‘Joker’ and the Iconic Laugh


The highly anticipated comic book movie centered around the iconic Batman villain, Joker, is finally approaching release. Audiences are looking forward the new film, especially to witness how prestigious actor like Joaquin Phoenix will put his personal spin on the character. In a recent interview with the Italian Magazine, Il Vernerdi,  Phoenix dived into what helped him prepped for this high profile role.

One of the main types of videos Phoenix has watched to prep him for becoming the evil clown are of victims of PLC (Pathological Laughter or Crying). Pathological laughter is an illness that causes people to involuntary laugh with no conventional trigger. Considering the film’s more psychological and realistic tone compared to other adaptations of the character, Phoenix taking inspiration from real life medical conditions makes perfect sense. The pathological laughter element is definitely differentiating this version of the Joker from past incarnations, since the character’s laugh is often the most iconic part of the role. This gritty direction was also influenced by the works of Martin Scorsese, most particular Taxi Driver, and Phoenix’s studying of mental patients was most likely encouraged by director Todd Philips.

This is not the first time an actor playing the Joker did some extensive research to get into character. Heath Ledger, who played the character in The Dark Knight, used method acting for the role. Ledger did this by isolating himself from others, often improvising various moments through out the film and was rarely out of character during filming of the movie. The most recent actor to portray the Joker on film, Jared Leto, also did some method acting which included sending various “gifts” to his other co-stars of Suicide Squad such as used condoms and dead animals. Unlike Ledger’s method acting however, this wasn’t as well received and was perceived as more of a stunt tactic.

Phoenix’s methods on perfecting the role is certainly nothing new in terms of playing as the Joker, but the dedication he has for making sure this film will have a more unique take on the character is definitely admirable. It’s only a matter of time until fans witness the outcome of Phoenix’s work.

Joker is set for release on October 4th, 2019.


Ryan Pineda: When it comes to film, animation, video games and other mediums, I can discuss for hours about how much on why certain films and animated media made me the person I am today. I adore the artistic merit that comes from a lot of pop-culture media and will definitely love to have a conversation about favorite movies any day! I have graduated in 2017 with a BA in Film and Television at the University of Arizona. Been passionate about writing about films due to always having an interesting outlook on the medium. Will always see a film and will definitely be sure to recommend it to someone that I know for a fact would love that movie. Not only that but will also give reasons for why I think that film did or did not work as a movie, and the same can go for other pieces of media like television, video games and especially animated projects.
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