The talented, award-winning actress has been officially cast as Ewan McGregor’s counterpart in the long-awaited adaptation of Philip Roth’s critically acclaimed novel.
After the novel’s debut in 1997, Paramount Pictures was the first studio to attain rights to a film adaptation. They were then acquired by Lakeshore Entertainment in 2003, after which the movie failed to come to fruition once again. The project is now finally being taken back off the shelf and the announcement of two lead actors serves as proof. Phillip Noyce (Salt, Patriot Games) is attached to direct the film, from a screenplay adapted by John Romano (The Lincoln Lawyer).
Connelly will play Dawn to McGregor’s Swede. The two of them make up a picture-perfect couple within the American middle class, who have their comfortable lives disrupted when their daughter commits an act of terrorism as protest to the Vietnam War. Roth’s work earned a Pulitzer Prize, and is regarded by TIME as one of its All-Time 100 Greatest Novels.
Connelly is most recognized for her work in Darren Aronofsky titles like Requiem for a Dream and this year’s Noah, and also for her role in A Beautiful Mind, which earned her an Oscar in 2002. Originally, Connnelly’s real-life husband Paul Bettany was in talks for the role of Swede, but he has since taken on a slew of other projects. However, Bettany will be working with both Connelly and McGregor in the near future, with Connelly starring in Bettany’s directorial debut, Shelter, and McGregor in next year’s Mortdecai.
Production is set to begin in spring of 2015.

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