In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 James Gunn and actor Chris Pratt spoke about having the first “F-bomb” in the MCU, behind-the-scenes pranks, and the most emotional scenes they filmed. Pratt was asked if he had received an angry text message from Samuel Jackson over his character getting the first F-bomb. He said not yet, and commented he found the whole buzz regarding the moment from the trailer to be funny because it’s been made into something more, despite the word being used in “the most thrown-away, comedic way.”
Gunn was asked how he would rank his “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” sequence among his other set pieces. He answered that there are two difficulties for him, difficulty in terms of the amount of work he puts in and difficulty “in that the things that I’m doing are going wrong.” Because of that, he would prefer to have number one rather than number two, and “No Sleep Till Brooklyn” is number one to him.
When Pratt was asked what the lead-up was like for the scene in the trailer where he screams and sobs, he answered:
“Well, our subconscious does not know if we’re acting or not acting, and I did whatever techniques a craftsperson uses to create a real emotion. That wasn’t one of those things where I couldn’t get there emotionally and so I was faking it with outside-in acting and adjusting my face in a certain way. I was really, really in it, and there’s an unpacking process to that. Everyone goes through shit in their lives, and if you have good mental health, you’ll compartmentalize it and pack it away in a good way. But when you unpack it to get somewhere, emotionally, on camera, your mind doesn’t go, “Oh, that was for fake. You’re good.” You have to walk away from that, and it doesn’t go away for a while until you do the work to put it back. So, for me, that was a complicated moment, but also a complicated night afterward.”