There haven’t been many details revealed about Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yet. It was, however, recently announced that there will be an enticing teaser unveiled at Comic-Con this year. Other than that, Marvel has kept their anticipated sequel under wraps. At the moment, the biggest thing we know is that Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell and Nathan Fillion are starring in supporting roles. We also may get to see the first trailer in the next few months, although it’s doubtful it will hit anytime soon. But thanks to director James Gunn, fans can feast their eyes upon the exact number of days until the film opens in theaters.
A new photo was shared through Gunn’s official Facebook page that shows off the film’s massive set, the director himself and actor Chris Pratt (Star-Lord), along with one extra teaser. The photo’s superimposed words state that there are “300 Days until GotG Vol 2.” One of the first details that was released about the sequel was its uncommon subtitle – Vol. 2. The original film was filled with wacky and wild characters, which, of course, calls for a continuation of that oddball style.
While there’s many Marvel movies that fans are looking forward to, what we could see in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 blows most of them out of the water. Even though there were risks with green-lighting the first film, it really seems like it’s paid off greatly for the studio. The sequel has a very talented cast and crew behind it, not to mention a wonderfully goofy style that is plastered in every scene. Now, we just have to wait until next summer to get our hands on it. In the meantime, see the new set photo below.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 hits theaters on May 5, 2017.