Every dream has a price. Oliver Stone‘s riveting thriller about corporate greed, power, and the American Dream, is returning to theaters to celebrate the film becoming 30 years old! Michael Douglas (Fatal Attraction), Charlie Sheen (Platoon), Daryl Hannah (Roxanne), Martin Sheen (The Believers), and John C. McGinley (Platoon) headline the film and bring alive the script that was written by Oliver Stone and Stanley Weiser.
Return to a film that is all about money and how it can make you do things you never thought possible. Twentieth Century Fox is redistributing the film alongside Fathom Events as the film will be in theaters on September 24th and 27th. Check your local listings to see if Wall Street will be playing near you.
Wall Street never had so a real feel to it, so don’t miss Gordon Gekko, an icon of the boardroom.