The Losers Club returns to Derry, Maine 27 years later in the sequel to the highest grossing horror film to date It. The seven children, who are now adults, band together once again to combat Pennywise the clown, one of the many shapes “It” assumes. The older versions of the Losers Club members are played by James McAvoy (Bill), Jessica Chastain (Beverly), Bill Hader (Richie), Isaiah Mustafa (Mike), Jay Ryan (Ben), James Ransome (Eddie), and Andy Bean (Stanley). Bill Skarsgård will reprise his role as Pennywise.
The trailer gives glimpses into the nature of the Losers Club’s confrontation with “It.” There are moments when the characters appear to be trapped in optical illusions. This type of effect becomes prominent when Bill finds himself lost in a house of mirrors at a carnival and is trying to save what appears to be his brother Georgie before Pennywise can get to him. The high intensity moments are also captured through particularly gory scenes. There is even one part when Pennywise seems to be without his elaborate clown attire and looks more like a normal person.
Chastain commented that the film is “Carrie on steroids.” Director Andy Muschietti also stated that the sequel will be scarier than the first film. The film is set to premiere on September 6.