Disney is set to release their first animated short in five years titled Us Again. The short is directed by Zach Parrish (Big Hero 6) and will debut in theaters alongside Raya and the Last Dragon on March 5th. The film is Disney Animation’s first theatrical short since the 2016 release of Inner Workings which was shown alongside Moana in theaters.
Similar to other Disney shorts, Us Again connects music, dance, and emotion. According to Deadline, the film tells a story of an elderly man and his wife, who rekindle their youthful romance and love for life and each other. The entire film is without dialogue and the score is full of funk and soul music.
Parrish has been with Disney Animation for 11 years, being a huge part of hits such as Zootopia and Wreck-It-Ralph, as well as directing the Short Circuit film Puddles. Award-winning choreographers and dancers Keone and Mari (World of Dance) and well-known composer Pinar Toprak (Captain Marvel) will also be a part of the film.
The film is produced by Brad Simonsen (Big Hero 6, Zootopia), and executive produced by Jennifer Lee, the chief creative officer for Walt Disney Animation Studios. Alongside being released in theaters March 5th, Us Again will also debut on Disney+ in June.