Disney And Seven Bucks Productions Finalize New Film Deal

Disney and production company Seven Bucks have sealed a brand new deal. While the deal will include film, it will go beyond into other avenues of entertainment. 

Seven Bucks came about from actor Dwayne Johnson and actress Danay Garcia. 

Johnson, otherwise known as “The Rock,” gained popularity as a wrestler, but broke into acting as the Scorpion King in 2001’s The Mummy Returns, and has since appeared in a plethora of films. 

Garcia, on the other hand, works prominently behind the camera. She had many producer credits on her résumé, including several films that featured Johnson, such as Rampage, Black Adam, and Jungle Cruise. 

The partnership between the two companies doesn’t mark the first time they’ve collaborated. Variety pointed out that Jungle Cruise was put out by Seven Bucks, and with the film being based on the Disney theme park ride, Disney also helped to distribute it. 

The agreement between the two will breathe life into a multitude of projects. Reportedly, some will include Johnson, but not all of them are expected to. 

The deal will also expand into other areas, with Variety, who initially reported it, stating that it will span across a plethora of facets that Disney has to offer. 

For more updates, stay with us here. 

Raymond Adams: 20 years old, aspiring writer, lives in New England, loves pop culture and all things movies.
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