The two central installments of the DC Cinematic Universe so far – Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice – have had a major impact on how Warner Bros. is moving forward. Both films were directed by Zack Snyder (Watchmen), and they received substantial backlash because of their very dour tone. Dawn of Justice was probably the more detrimental of the two, considering the big shifts that the studio made directly after its theatrical run. But things seem to be looking up for this comic book universe. The ever-hopeful Suicide Squad is opening this August, and the hugely-anticipated Justice League is currently in production.
While Zack Snyder does have a sizable amount of control in the DC universe, he’s not the only one that is bringing new ideas to the table. His wife, Deborah Snyder, serves as a producer on his films as well having a hand on many upcoming DC installments. During an on-set interview for Justice League, she discussed how this two-part epic will be much “more inclusive” than its predecessors were.
Justice League is much more inclusive. I think also you have like, it’s all about the characters too. And we have these two very young characters, Flash and Cyborg. And you know, they’re definitely lighter. I think they’re going to appeal to a younger audience… And you know, I think Suicide Squad has its own audience. And I think Wonder Woman has its own audience. And not just women, because I think the movie – I’ve seen a little bit of it – and Patty [Jenkins] is still working on her director’s cut, but I think it’s going to be broad-reaching. I think the darkest where we’ve been is where we’ve been.
Most would agree that Dawn of Justice was not really a movie for kids. And while Suicide Squad isn’t necessarily moving away from that dark tone, it’s at least bringing a little more humor to the game. And that’s just one of the reasons why Justice League should prove to be a big step for the DC Cinematic Universe. It’s going to showcase a plethora of iconic comic book characters, bring more fun tone to its world, and should appeal to a wider audience. Now, because there has not been any footage revealed yet, these are merely wishes for what it could be.
Justice League hits theaters on November 17, 2017, followed by Justice League 2 on June 14, 2019.