David Fincher, at the 2023 Tribeca Festival, had a lot to say about the process of filming and his current plans for movies. Fincher plans to do a Se7en 4k remastered version and talks about the latest project, The Killer. Fincher describes filming as “indigestion.”
I love rehearsal… I love talking to people about the intention and going over every single word and what the script means and listening to people read it. I love the casting process. I love designing the movie and sitting with the production designer and the DP and talking about what do we want to say, where do we want people’s attention, and what do we have to underline.
Fincher says he would much rather have someone take over when shooting comes around. The pandemic exacerbated his feeling toward shooting. The safety protocols during the filming of Netflix’s The Killer made interacting with the mask and visor difficult. He says, “I had no idea how much I was imparting with making faces and sound effects. It was a completely different experience.” The Killer is based on Alexis Nolent’s graphic novel about a stone-cold assassin (Michael Fassbender) who turns on his employers. Netflix is set to release the film on November 10.
Se7en is a 1995 crime thriller starring Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, and Gwyneth Paltrow. He says with the 4K remastered version they can add more range through more advanced editing that was not available then. Fincher is not planning on changing anything about the film, such as not replacing guns with flashlights.
With Fincher’s new projects, he reflects on a project that did not land well. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo barely hit $100 million with a $90 million budget. Filming took place in Sweden over a 140-day shoot with eight-to-nine-hour long days. After filming, Fincher said he was proud of his work, but people thought otherwise. So, he quickly came to terms with the outcome. Fincher said, “Ok, swing and a miss.”