Avengers: Endgame might have been the biggest movie of 2019, but there’s still one more film expected to break records from Disney. Despite the Star Wars franchise’s shaky history in recent years, fans are still intrigued by what the last entry of this recent trilogy will have to offer. The series’ revival had a strong start with The Force Awakens and Rogue One, both being critical and box office success, but things went downhill shortly after the divisive reaction of The Last Jedi and Solo underperforming at the box office. With The Rise of Skywalker supposedly concluding the Skywalker saga, many are curious to see if Abrams can end it on a high note.
D23 recently showed new footage of the upcoming film at their main Star Wars panel, which was fairly well received. The trailer footage was released online on August 26th for the whole world to witness, beginning with a montage of footage showcasing some of the franchise’s most iconic moments. It then showcases new footage of Rise of Skywalker, taking the route of previous Star Wars trailers by not revealing too much plot details and giving fans a vague idea of what might happen. The biggest takeaways from this new footage includes a fight sequence between Rey and Kylo Ren on what seems to be the ruins of the Death Star (seen in the recent poster), and the ending shot with Rey in dark clothing with a red duel lightsaber.
Many are both intrigued and excited for Rise of Skywalker after this recent trailer. It might not mark the end of the series properly, with shows like The Mandalorian coming to Disney Plus and a few more Star Wars films planned in the 2020s, but this film will be the end of the Skywalker saga. However this story will end, many fans will be there day one to witness the conclusion of Rey’s and Kylo Ren’s journey.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is set for release December 20th 2019. Watch the Full Trailer Below: