With every new entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what was once a comic book fan’s dream continues to grow new branches to its ever-expanding narrative. And part of the reason for this franchise’s mainstream success is the power of its lead actors, who contributed in part to this vision by bringing such iconic superhero to life on the big screen, among them Chris Evans as Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Matching the charisma and charm of Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark/Iron Man, Evans has masterfully portrayed his character as a symbol of selflessness and courage, serving as the heart of the Avengers fighting protect the world because it is the morally right thing to do. And, while his original intention was to portray the character until Avengers 3 (i.e. Infinity Wars), it appears that Evans will be sticking around with the character for a little bit longer.
Recently, Evans has opened up about extending his contract with Marvel Studios until the untitled Avengers 4, in which both he and Downey Jr. will finally be retiring their roles for good. According to his interview with The Telegraph, Evan explained, “I had six films in my Marvel contract, so I could have said after the third Avengers I was done, but they wanted to make the third and fourth Avengers films as a two-parter. They said they had so many other characters to fit in – Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Ant Man – and couldn’t get them all into one movie.”
Considering the abundance of characters scheduled appear in both Infinity Wars and the untitled fourth film, it is unclear what particular role Captain America will play in these movies and how they will conclude his character arc since The First Avenger. Furthermore, the narrative of this film remains unclear, having dropped the title of Infinity Wars Part 2 but still remaining a direct sequel to the events of the upcoming 2018 release. Only time will tell how all the Russo’s plan to balance these numerous stories and characters in terms of screentime, but it’s safe to assume Captain America will be there to lead them all into battle.
Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled for release on May 3, 2018, and the untitled fourth film will arrive exactly one year later on May 3, 2019.