Despite Hollywood productions currently at a standstill, Oscar winning actress Cate Blanchett continues to build her extensive film repertoire. The A-list star is currently signing on to two film projects with high profile directors: James Gray‘s upcoming drama Armageddon Times and Adam McKay‘s upcoming Netflix movie Don’t Look Up, which stars Jennifer Lawrence.
Armageddon Time will be written and directed by , with RT Features producing. The story centers around the Ad Astra director’s own experiences as a student at the Kew-Forest School in Queens, where Fred Trump served on the board of the private school. The film’s announced as Gray’s next project at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, with a primary focus being on the school’s principal.
McKay’s Don’t Look Up was announced back in February and follows two low-level astronomers who embark on a media tour to warn mankind of an approaching asteroid that will destroy planet Earth. McKay is writing and directing the comedy, marking his first film to be featured on a streaming platform. Other notable works of McKay include 2015’s The Big Short and the Anchorman films.
These developments follow after recent reports of Blanchett being attached to star in Lionsgate’s adaptation of the popular video game Borderlands, re-teaming her with director Eli Roth. Earlier this year, the actress finished shooting for Guillermo del Toro’s thriller Nightmare Alley with Bradley Cooper, before production was halted due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Consequently, the production and release dates for any of Blanchett’s upcoming films have yet to be announced.