Nearly everyone in the Marvel family participated in some capacity in this summer’s MCU tentpole Captain America: Civil War. One massive exception was Thor, the Norse god portrayed by Chris Hemsworth. Last seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron, the character notably disappeared and was MIA as his avenging buddies were in the midst of battling one another. A new bonus feature has hit the web humorously catching up to date on just what Thor was up to.
It turns out he was keeping a low-profile in Australia, conveniently the shooting location for Thor’s next big-screen outing Thor: Ragnarok (currently in-production). Apparently, Thor was hanging out with a new bud named Darryl, learning “electronic mail” while trying to figure out why none of his fellow Avengers were getting in contact with him – not having a phone probably didn’t help. Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), who also passed on Civil War, shows up too.
Check out the bonus feature below, it first premiered during Marvel’s recent Comic-Con presentation.