“All that exists is the documentary and the making of a movie,” says the serial killer who films himself killing women. He also happens to be the main character of Wild in Blue, an independent horror film that will playing at the Cannes Film Market. Paramount recently bought the Amy Adams film, Story of Your Life at the Market; maybe they’d also be interested in a little murder and mayhem.
A story about a madman with a movie camera, that thinks he’s smarter than you. He’s a narcissist. He’s a nihilist, a sexual sadist and killer of innocent women. His name is Charlie, and this is his world: a place of evil, violence and perversion, where only his camera tells the truth. He has set out to make an honest film – no lies whatsoever – and he is doing it all for you. Unable to escape a nasty memory of childhood abuse, Charlie lusts blindly for power and control until one day he happens upon a beautiful young woman, a potential victim named Ashley. Ashley is like nothing Charlie has ever seen before. He follows her. He stalks her to the beach and breaks into her apartment at night. His infatuation quickly devolves into obsession, then madness, before something stronger, a feeling he hasn’t felt since he was thirteen years old boy. Love.
That plot summary, coupled with the graphic trailer gives the impression that Wild in Blue will be comparable to cult horror classics like Maniac or Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Both films told their stories from the serial killer’s point of view rather than the victims’.

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