Baldwin Joins Cameron Crowe’s Sony Flick

According to sources at Deadline, Alec Baldwin is currently negotiating with Sony on their newest untitled film, directed by Cameron Crowe (We Bought A Zoo). The project is ideal for the father-to-be, who is only looking at projects that won’t keep him from being the perfect new parent with wife Hilaria (pictured below).

Other actors already signed onto the untitled Sony flick include Bradley Cooper (American Hustle), Emma Stone (The Amazing Spider-man 2), Rachel McAdams (About Time), and Danny McBride (This is The End).

The film is about a defense contractor, played by Bradley Cooper, who tries to halt the launch of a weapons satellite, according to the AV Club. Emma Stone, who was first to sign onto the film, plays the female lead and love interest of Bradley Cooper, an Air Force pilot who is assigned to Cooper as his liaison. Rachel McAdams will play Cooper’s ex.

Little more has been revealed about the flick, but shooting is set for September, and as the fall gets closer, we expect to hear more about the plot and casting of smaller roles.

Baldwin’s most recent project, an HBO documentary entitled Seduced and Abandoned, premiered in Cannes this year. The film was directed by James Toback (Tyson). 

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