Another Trailer Released for ‘Taken 3’ as Release Date Nears

The third film in the Taken series is set for release a week from today, and the above TV spot displays Liam Neeson’s character Bryan Mills has still got it when it comes to taking down the people who hurt his family. In this movie, however, the bad guys have actually succeeded in killing one of Mills’ family members, and framing him for the murder. Now Mills is exacting revenge while dodging every law enforcement agency in California.


Taken 3 (marketed as Tak3n) features Maggie Grace returning as Mills’ daughter Kim, and Famke Janssen as his now-murdered-ex-wife. Forest Whitaker has joined the cast as an FBI agent dedicated to bringing Mills in.

Taken 2’s director Olivier Megaton is returning for this film. The movie’s trailers seem to suggest that this will be the final film in the series, especially with the poster’s tagline, “It Ends Here.” Readers can also view the trailer released a few months ago here. In this newest trailer, we see a continuance of Kim Mills’ character evolution from the scared kidnapping victim of the first movie to a girl who can hold her own against a cabal of criminals out to get them.

Tak3n will be released next week, on January 9th.

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