Seeking the prestigious role of playing the early years of political rising star Hillary(Rodham) Clinton, Hollywood’s leading young actresses are stepping forward to compete for the part of Hillary, in the biopic “Rodham”.
According to Marlow Stern at the Daily Beast, Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Chastain, Reese Witherspoon, and Amanda Seyfried are all being considered for the part.
- Amanda Seyfried
- Reese Witherspoon
The script for Rodham, written by south Korean scribe Young il-Kim, was number 4 on the 2012 Hollywood Black List which annually releases a list of the best unproduced scripts floating around Hollywood. Prior Black List scripts that eventually made it to the big screen include The Social Network, Juno, and The King’s Speech.
According to the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, Rodham is being buoyed by Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen, the backers behind the “Twilight” series. In a controversial move which is upsetting women’s rights groups, a man – James Ponsoldt, who won raves at Sundance for his The Spectacular Now – has been selected as the director.
In 1974 (a year before she married Bill Clinton) Hillary Rodham was the youngest lawyer chosen to serve on the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate scandal. The film will follow her time on the committee during its work in the impeachment of President Nixon.
Rodham is expected to be released in 2016. Those paying attention will notice this is in the middle of the next Presidential election, where it is possible Hillary Clinton could be the Democratic candidate.