The upcoming comedy film Pottersville puts Michael Shannon (Midnight Special) in the heart of cryptid folklore. However, the twist in the film is simple: while many of the townspeople believe that the conspiracy theory staple Bigfoot has stumbled into their neck of the woods, their mistaken proof actually relies in Shannon’s character’s journey through the city in a gorilla costume after he’d had a few too many drinks. However, he could hardly have predicted the enormous response which ricocheted throughout the population soon after, leading to a nationwide obsession with the myth. The humor-filled movie then portrays the wild aftermath, giving the story plenty of opportunity to entertain audiences.
Even better, the movie is a holiday film, giving audiences a fun choice for their December fare. After there is time to gauge audience perception, it’s very well possible that the movie will become a fun comedic wintertime staple like Elf, or hopefully the yet-unreleased Melissa McCarthy vehicle, Margie Claus.
Shannon will also be working with an extraordinarily impressive cast. Ian McShane (John Wick), Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Ron Perlman (Pacific Rim), Judy Greer (Jurassic World), Blake Perlman (Hand of God), Thomas Lennon (Night at the Museum), and Elena Hurst (The End of Mara) will act in the movie.
All of the intriguing trailer can be viewed below!
Good news for those who cannot wait to see the film: Pottersville will reach theaters very soon, on tomorrow November the 10th!