A familiar voice opens the trailer of Netflix’s Pinocchio: – “I want to tell you a story. It’s a story you may think you know, but you don’t”- The voice is Ewan McGregor’s performing as Sebastian J. Cricket who narrates this re-telling of Carlo Collodi’s The adventures of Pinocchio. The fairy tale was written in 1883 and has been adapted several times. This new adaptation is going to arrive on Netflix December 9th.
The feature is highly expected since it is the first stop-motion animation feature directed by Academy Award winner Guillermo del Toro, who shares the director credit with stop-motion legend Mark Gustafson. The film has been praised by the critics and defined as a – “Dazzling masterpiece”- The trailer’s tone resembles Tim Burton’s stop-motion work, who is a director that has a lot in common with del Toro when it comes to the love to monsters and fantasy. But this Pinocchio feels more hopeful than Burton’s films.
In the trailer we are offered a variety of excerpts that include a little of everything: drama, action and magic, it seems as Pinocchio has it all to fascinate everyone. As Sebastian J. Cricket states at the beginning, this re-telling looks as a fresh approach to the classic story. The premise is the same: A man makes a puppet that magically comes to life after a wish, later, the puppet wishes to be a real boy to have the love of his creator, who he sees as his father. However, differences to the story we remember can be expected, from Cricket’s words and because of del Toro’s vision, who has become an auteur with a very distinctive aesthetic.
Pinocchio is voiced by Gregory Mann, whose voice transmits tenderness in the trailer. His father Gepetto is voiced by David Bradley. Ewan McGregor, Finn Wolfhard, Cristoph Waltz, Tilda Swinton and Cate Blanchett are also a part of the cast.Pinocchio is playing in select theaters now and will be available in the Netflix streaming platform for holiday season, December 9th.