Thor: Love and Thunder is still seven months away from release, but marketing collateral associated with the film has begun to surface online. Last year, an officially licensed poster from the film was released, appearing on social media, showing all the characters associated with the film. Taika Waititi, the film’s director, moved to social media quickly to debunk the poster as being fake, but a new selfie from Tessa Thompson, Valkyrie herself, confirms the authenticity of the poster.
On Sunday, a photo of the actress began circulating on social media, showcasing the character in some new duds, vastly different from what she was last seen wearing in Avengers: Endgame. The design of the new outfit appears to be inspired by Thor (Chris Hemsworth). Having said that, the new costume is still distinct enough due to the lack of color. Her outfit is almost entirely black and white.
“In the canon, [Valkyrie] is bisexual. You see her with women and men, so that was my intention in playing her,” said Thompson in 2019 on her character. “Obviously, at the forefront of most of these stories is not typically their romantic life. They have big stakes, like saving the world, so that tends to sort of trump.”
Thompson also states that Captain Marvel has broken the glass ceiling for superhero films by dispelling preconceptions about what women can achieve in the places and cultures portrayed by films and reality.
“It feels like we are really entering a new phase of Marvel. So this night is about celebrating more than just this film… [Stan Lee’s] vision is the idea: what makes you different is actually your superpower. And when we’re living inside of a robust time to be able to say to people that they can love who they want to love, they can be who they want to be. It’s perfect to include those narratives inside of this world.”
Thor: Love and Thunder is set to hit theatres on July 8th, 2022.