The two Thor films so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe unfortunately seem to be considered among its more minor installments. While Thor and Thor: The Dark World have been successful, they haven’t really blown anyone out of the water. But the third film Ragnarok looks like it could change those pessimistic mindsets. It will of course see the return of the rivaling brothers Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston), but also it’s set to feature a bunch of new elements.
Taking the helm of Ragnarok is director Taika Waititi, known best for the vampire-comedy What We Do in the Shadows. Along with an exciting new director, it has been revealed that Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and newcomer to the MCU Hela (Cate Blanchett) will join the cast. There’s definitely no shortage of big stars that appear in the superhero genre, but it has had a major influx as of late. Hiddleston and Hemsworth have been the foundation of the Thor series so far, and where their characters go next is an intriguing thought. At a panel during the Wizard World Convention (via Comicbook.com), Hemsworth discussed a few things he’s looking forward to about the sequel, particularly with the addition of Waititi.
Man, it is a lot of fun. I think tonally it’s a big shift in a great way, more than anything we’ve seen before. Taika Waititi, the director, if you know any of his work, he’s just an incredible sort of comedic talent a lot of heart in everything he does. It’s a very different Thor, it’s a different Loki; we go off on another world that we haven’t experienced before. It’s fun, but that’s me skirting around the issue because I can’t say too much.
The past two installments have generally had a comedic tone to them, but it’s interesting to see that Waititi may bring an entirely new tone to Ragnarok. Also at the convention, Hiddleston explained how he felt about seeing Hulk put into the film, considering that the two characters were at odds the last time they saw each other.
And lets not forget that its no secret that the Hulk shows up in Ragnarok, and the last time Loki and Hulk were in the same room didn’t go very well for Loki. So, he’s got a few chips on his shoulder, but it’s fun, you’ll see.
The MCU is continuing to expand the boundaries of where they go, exploring various iconic characters and storylines from the comic books. Ragnarok should make for a refreshing spin on the genre, and hopefully will bring a bigger fanbase to the series.
Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3, 2017.