Sam Mendes, best known for his directorial work on the James Bond films Skyfall and Spectre, is set to direct the upcoming World War I film 1917.
The film will be financed by Steven Spielberg‘s Amblin Partners. Spielberg said the following about Mendes’ return to Amblin: “Our company has been a home for Sam since his first film… I am so happy to have him back here in his old room spinning new stories – especially this hugely daring and ambitious new movie.”
So far, details about 1917 are sparse. All that is known about the plot is that it will be a World War I-based story, but we do know that production will begin in April 2019, and the theatrical release will be in December, 2019.
Although Mendes has huge directorial successes under his belt, this film marks the first time that he will have a writing credit to his name. He penned the original script, with help from Krysty Wilson-Cairns. Mendes will also serve as a producer through his company Neal Street Productions (along with partner Pippa Harris).
Mendes said this about the upcoming project: “I couldn’t be happier to be back working with Amblin and Steven Spielberg again, alongside Donna Langley and all at Universal. I’ve been working on this script for over a year, so it’s very exciting to start making the movie itself a reality.”