It’s safe to say that when it comes to comedy, 2015 was undoubtedly the year of Amy Schumer. With four seasons of Comedy Central’s Inside Amy Schumer and a critical/financial success in last year’s Trainwreck tucked in her resume, Schumer has become something of a household name. Her work shows a genius and insightful social commentary on current issues that our society still faces, providing hilarious critiques and laughs all the way through. However, it looks like Schumer will be making another jump to the big screen, having co-written a screenplay with Katie Dippold (The Heat) for a mother-daughter adventure-comedy. What’s more surprising is that this film will have Schumer teaming up with actress Goldie Hawn, making this her first movie role in almost fourteen years.
In a recent interview with Collider, Dippold has revealed some details regarding the film’s plot. It will revolves around a daughter (Schumer) who takes her recently divorced and somewhat neurotic mother (Hawn) on a trip to the Amazon rainforest. Naturally, in traditional road trip movie fashion, hijinks insure throughout their vacation, as the two struggle to make their way to a nearby American embassy. Dippold also explained that the story for this film was based off of some daydreaming experiences regarding her relationship with her mother. After failing to set up an online dating account for her mom following her divorce, Dippold thought “what if I took her on a crazy vacation somewhere, and then I took us off the beaten path, just to shake things up. So then, I started thinking about a movie version of that. So, the movie is that. She gets taken off the beaten path, but then everything the mother feared is correct.”
It’s already exciting enough to learn that another Amy Schumer film in production, with Trainwreck being a personal favorite film of mine last year. However, the fact that Goldie Hawn will be starring alongside her makes this extra special. Who knows: maybe this film will serve as Hawn’s a major acting comeback, similar to what Birdman did for Michael Keaton.