It looks as though Marvel is doubling down on their newest version of Spider-Man. Already being featured in two separate trilogies in the recent past, their younger reboot of the character is set to appear in a whopping six Marvel films already. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Tom Holland (The Impossible) revealed his busy and exciting schedule coming up within the Cinematic Universe.
I’m unclear as to which movies though. I do know I have three Spider-Man [appearances in other] movies and three solo movies contracted. But if you have another movie, Marvel is so good at working around it. They’re very respectful of your life, really. They understand that you have to work on other movies, and they try and fix it up so you can work around each other.
Holland first appeared as the web-slinging superhero in this year’s Captain America: Civil War and has recently wrapped on his first solo film, Spider-Man: Homecoming. According to Marvel President Kevin Fiege, they are taking the newly envisioned high school age Peter Parker by the way of Harry Potter and life at Hogwarts. In an interview with Collider, Fiege revealed:
This is sophomore year, is the next one junior year? Is the next one senior year? Is there a summer break between each of those? I don’t know what, but it was sort of how do we do a journey for Peter not dissimilar for what the students of Hogwarts would go through each of their years, which was one of the early ideas we had for the movies.
Regardless of formula or plot, the Spider-Man character has always been a major draw for audiences in the past. If Marvel can genuinely pull off the youthful Parker that they are advertising, Holland’s Spider-Man will likely be a most welcome addition to the franchise, and a major selling point.
Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters on July 7, 2017.