Even within the two years of her passing, Carrie Fisher’s death still strikes a nerve with many Star Wars fans and understandably so. The actress lived a fulfilling and talented life and for many, it felt like she was gone too soon, especially with the production of future Star Wars films. Fortunately, however, the memory of Fisher is not just alive and well but fortunately the people behind Star Wars Episode IX were prepared to realize her legacy.
Carrie Fisher’s Brother, Todd Fisher, has stated on Good Morning America that there is a lot more to come from Carrie. He claims that many artifacts and things that were written by her that will be shared at some point in the future. Whether these things by Carrie will come within the next year or few years, only time will tell. Todd Fisher also assured that Carrie Fisher will still reprise her role as Leia Organa in Star Wars: Episode IX.
The brother of the actress mentioned that, “This is unused content that could be woven into the storyline. It’s going to look like it was meant to be.” when discussing the unused shot footage for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Todd couldn’t go into much detail regarding Carrie’s final moments in the next Star Wars, but ensures that it is more than just outtakes from The Last Jedi. Regardless, it will be an interesting and touching way of paying tribute to Princess Leia and fans are excited to see how it will pan out next year when Episode IX is released.