The third installment of DreamWorks’ popular series, Kung Fu Panda was set to be released the week following the December 18th premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but the competition was a bit too risky for the company. The movie was pushed back a few months, also affecting the rest of the following year’s schedule.Kung Fu Panda 3 was set to have been released December 23, 2015, to capitalize on the Christmas movie-going season. But instead, the movie has been pushed back to March 18th. Universal’s Warcraft has also been pushed back to March, and surely the seventh Star Wars’ effect on movie schedules hasn’t stopped yet.
DreamWorks’ movie schedule has been irrevocably changed with the move of Kung Fu Panda. Home, is now the only movie DreamWorks will be releasing in 2015. Their other upcoming movie, B.O.O.: Bureau of Otherworldly Operations, hasn’t been given a new spot after being jettisoned from its June 5th release date to make room for Kung Fu Panda 3‘s run.
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