Are you in the need for a vacation? Somewhere far far away where no one recognizes you and everywhere you look is strangely mysterious? I think we all need this sooner or later especially with the pandemic that has slowed the world to a seemingly slow halt. Putting aside the fantasy of our future vacation, how about a trip down memory lane, one that brings back one of the most interesting, fun and original works of sci-fi that the ’90s had to offer- Total Recall! Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as a man who’s memories are stolen and now is under fire for being someone he’s not. Or is he in fact the such person everyone thinks he is?
Loosely based on the short story “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick that was first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction in April 1966. The film’s debut arrived in 1990 that was directed by Paul Verhoeven and made a splash at the box office and was well received by critics and fans of Schwarzenegger. It wasn’t merely another science fiction action movie, but one that blended humor, over-the-top violence and a surprising turn in acting for Schwarzenegger who displays real talent in portraying a man who is thoroughly confused as to what is happening to him.
The supporting cast included Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox, Dean Norris and Michael Ironside. Jerry Goldsmith provided the musical score and Alien screenwriter Ronald Shusett and Dan O’Bannon along with Gary Goldman (Navy Seals) wrote the screenplay. The film is notable for it’s amazing special effects along with the over-the-top violence and humor- the latter being absent in the remake starrring Colin Farrell in 2012.
Total Recall will be returning to theaters for a special three-day event- October 10, 13 and 27. Tickets are on sale now and seeing the film for its 30th anniversary will surely be special for the ones who grew up with the film and a treat for newcomers to this iconic sci-fi action flick. What is real and what isn’t are irrevelant. The only thing that is important is that Total Recall is nothing short of a wild ride! So, who’s ready to go to Mars?