Going once, going twice, SOLD! After the bidding war dust settled, Deadline has reported the Fox Searchlight was the winner, acquiring the adaptation of Rhidian Brook’s novel The Aftermath.
Ridley Scott’s Scott Free production company produced the adaptation. Attached to direct is Testament Of Youth director, James Kent. In talks to star is Keira Knightley and Alexander Skarsgård. Anna Waterhouse and Joe Shrapnel (Race) adapted the screenplay.
Searchlight was one of many companies who had their eyes on the international bestsellers adaptation. The Aftermath is set after the war in the dead of winter, Germany 1946. Rachael Morgan is on her way back to the city of Hamburg. One of the many cities that remained in shambles. She is meeting her husband Lewis, a British colonel in charge of rebuilding the broken city. On their way to their new home, unknown to Rachael, Lewis has made a big decision concerning their living arrangements. In shock with her husband’s decision Rachael learns that she will be sharing their new home with its previous owners. Occupying the colonel and his wife is a widower and his troubled daughter. Passion and betrayal intertwine with the hope of a fresh start.