Somehow the Trump 2020 re-election campaign managed to misuse a movie image even worse than last week when it photoshopped Donald Trump’s head onto Rocky Balboa’s body. Even weirder, it acknowledges the 45th President as a literal comic book villain, Lex Luthor comparisons aside. Earlier today, the Trump War Room Twitter page posted a video where Trump- his head superimposed over Thanos’ body from Avengers Endgame– snaps his fingers and causes Nancy Pelosi and Democratic House leaders to get blipped. The tweet’s caption: “House Democrats can push their sham impeachment all they want. President Trump’s re-election is inevitable.”
Clearly this was a response to the House of Representatives issuing two articles of Impeachment for Trump today. It’s also clear these guys didn’t watch Endgame all the way through, as the next scene literally sees Iron Man steal the Infinity Stones from Thanos’ hand and snaps him and his army into dust. Or maybe it didn’t click that putting the President’s head on Thanos- one of the biggest Marvel villains of all time- was bad messaging, especially when he’s fighting a character named Captain AMERICA. See Chris Evan’s Twitter feed for more information.
Nevertheless, this video did not sit well with Thanos creator Jim Starlin, who found it especially horrifying given how Thanos’ signature move is committing genocide against half the universe. In a statement with The Hollywood Reporter, Starlin had the following to say: “After my initial feeling of being violated, seeing that pompous fool using my creation to stroke his infantile ego, it finally struck me that the leader of my country and the free world actually enjoys comparing himself to a mass murderer. How sick is that? These are sad and strange times we are going through. Fortunately, all things, even national nightmares, eventually come to an end.”
I’d say the Trump team should have used the Infinity War snap, but that would also be bad. Partially because… again universal genocide, but also because it would mean putting his Democratic rival’s head on the chiseled body of Thor, a literal god.