Steven Soderbergh is a busy guy. His new film Let Them All Talk, which stars Meryl Streep, is about to release on HBO Max on December 10, and he’s currently working on getting his new crime thriller, No Sudden Move, into production. Now we know that he’s also working on a box set of restored versions of some of his older films.
“I’m hoping next year to put out a limited-edition box set of the seven titles that have reverted back to me, or that I have some control over,” Soderbergh said. “We’ve been remastering them and cleaning them up. Kafka, I’d always wanted to go back in and alter in some radical way—not to make it more palatable, but to make it into something that I felt mitigated what I wasn’t able to fix. Schizopolis and Full Frontal are just shorter, and the rest are as they were. It’ll be a collection of titles that weren’t made for studios, and in the case of ‘Kafka,’ hasn’t been available for a long, long time.”
Soderbergh said that the new cut of Kafka, his 1991 mystery drama is “a completely new iteration of itself and has a new title.” There’s no official announcement or release date for the box set, but Soderbergh fans still have a lot to look forward to with his new titles coming soon.