In celebration of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, Paramount is releasing Justin Lin’s Star Trek Beyond later this month. There have recently been a plethora of character posters released, as well as various sweepstakes and fan events being widely advertised for avid fans. With J.J. Abrams having directed the past two reboot installments of the franchise, all eyes are on Lin now and how he handles this anticipated sequel. And as the release date draws closer, the film’s soundtrack list and some wonderfully vivid cover art have been unveiled.
Releasing this type of information seems like it may be a more frequent strategy in marketing films in the future. The soundtrack list of David Ayer’s Suicide Squad was revealed just a few days ago, and Paramount appears to see the merit in that by also giving fans a similar peak into their film. The list below only has has the original score from Michael Giacchino (Inside Out), although it alone may reveal a few details about about the film’s plot and characters. Along with the score, the cover art looks like its keeping in line with the delightfully colorful style of Beyond.
1. Logo And Prosper (1:47)
2. Thank Your Lucky Star Date (2:15)
3. Night On The Yorktown (5:36)
4. The Dance Of The Nebula (2:22)
5. A Swarm Reception (2:30)
6. Hitting The Saucer A Little Hard (6:10)
7. Jaylah Damage (2:50)
8. In Artifacts As In Life (1:51)
9. Franklin, My Dear (2:50)
10. A Lesson In Vulcan Mineralogy (5:17)
11. MotorCycles Of Relief (3:17)
12. Mocking Jaylah (3:26)
13. Crash Decisions (3:16)
14. Krall-y Krall-y Oxen Free (4:23)
15. Shutdown Happens (4:35)
16. Cater-Krall In Zero G (2:17)
17. Par-tay For The Course (2:46)
18. Star Trek Main Theme (3:45)
Star Trek Beyond opens in U.S. theaters on July 22, 2016.