DreamWorks Animation star series Shrek has been confirmed for a fifth entry to come in 2019. It’s now official after a long period of speculation and production will begin some time in the near future. So far all news for this project has been through CEO’s, and other such workers, the voice cast including Mike Myers (who voiced Shrek), and Eddie Murphy (Donkey) have been silent. The resurgence of Shrek comes as DreamWorks Animation looks likely to join the NBC Universal family; Universal has had several lucrative animation hits through Illumination Entertainment.
Illumination began a world wide minion trend with Despicable Me, and recently released one of the greater summer box office releases with The Secret Life of Pets. However, Shrek is an iconic properties, and brought DreamWorks Animation up to pace with companies like Disney – the original 2001 film won the very first Best Animated Feature Academy Award, besting Pixar’s Monsters, Inc.
Many have been skeptical about this announcement under the logic that Shrek movies are somewhat hit-or-miss. The first two Shrek‘s have been praised for their satire, surprisingly adult humor, and the message that things aren’t always as perfect as fairy tales. On the other hand the last two in the series were deemed either terrible, or completely forgettable. Only time will tell if this new movie flops, or it brings back the magic that we all love about this franchise.