Sebastian Stan Discusses His Appraoch To Donald Trump In ‘The Apprentice’

With the 2024 Presidential Election picking up steam, and after settling distribution snags, The Apprentice is just on the cusp of releasing to audiences. Ahead of the release, star Sebastian Stan has spoken out about his own viewpoint of the politician he portrays on screen. 

The Apprentice follows the younger days of former US President Donald Trump, as he slowly builds a name for himself while navigating the business world. 

The film already landed in some hot water due to its depiction of Trump, which led to issues getting distributed once completed. Specifically, the film depicts a rape scene between Trump and his former wife. 

In the lead up to the film, Stan, who plays Trump, spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the film, and shed some light on his own approach to the topic in general. 

Stan acknowledged that what he said may not go over well, but he stated that he feels everyone has “a Trump in all of us to some extent.” He elaborated by saying that no one is morally higher than others, and that there is value to be found in exploring the faults of one’s self and making peace with it, rather than ignoring it. 

Deadline noted that Trump has gained a significant following of supporters over his political career, but has similarly built up a group of those opposed to his views. Stan went further, saying that he felt both camps have strong feelings towards him, but to a different degree. “They think he’s either God’s son or he’s Lucifer incarnate,” he said. He followed up the comment by saying that in hopes of being able to fully assess the situation, he needs to be treated as less than the extremes that he’s held at within both groups.

The Apprentice hits theaters October 11th. 

Raymond Adams: 22 years old, aspiring writer, lives in New England, loves pop culture and all things movies.
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