Over the years, there has been many interpretations of Kara Zor-El, also known as Supergirl, who is the female version of Superman. Actress Sasha Calle plays the most recent iteration of Supergirl alongside Ezra Miller (The Flash) and Michael Keaton (Batman) in Andy Muschietti’s The Flash.
In an exclusive interview with Deadline, the young actress stated that she would love to return to the role in the future. “I love her so much, and I feel her very deeply. I think this movie was a runway to a bigger story for her.” With the route that this movie is taking, and how the DCEU may shape up going further, it’s unknown what the state of the character would be. Regardless, Calle managed to earn the approval of Superman, Henry Cavill himself. “I asked him, ‘Did I make you proud, cuz? Does Superman approve? And he was like, ‘Absolutely. You did a phenomenal job.'”
On top of the approval from the latest Man of Steel, Calle told Entertainment Tonight that she has many ideas of where her character can be taken next, and what she hopes to see. “I just want to dive deeper into Kara and her feelings into her day-to-day. I would just love to see her in regular clothes, in human clothes. As a fan, the whole time that I was filming, I kept thinking, ‘What would she wear? What glasses would she wear?'”