Peyton Elizabeth Lee has just finished filming for her part as the lead in Hulu’s original horror comedy Carved, which will premiere on the streaming platform later this year. Carved is being directed by Justin Harding, who co-wrote the script with Cheryl Meyer.
From the studio WorthenBrooks, formerly known as 20th Digital Studio, this film was based on a short film produced by Harding back in 2018 for Hulu’s Bite Size Halloween Specials Carved. The new Carved is an expansion upon the ideas and story explored in that short. Set in a Historical Reenactment Town with a delightfully colorful cast of characters, Carved will see the cast attempt to survive the night and outrun a sentient man-eating pumpkin monster. Following the perspective of a “heartbroken teenage playwright” and their little brother the film will explore the stories of the characters navigating this harrowing Halloween night in order to survive.
Lee will co-star alongside other streaming stars both horror and comedy veterans in the massive cast with Corey Fogelmanis, Wyatt Lindner, Carla Jimenez, Sasha Mason, Jonah Lees, DJ Qualls, Marc Sully Saint-Fleur, Elvis Nolasco, Matty Cardaropl, Jackson Kelly, and Chris Elliott. With this, the film is set to have thrills, spills, and vicious kills. Nothing like a good-fashioned slasher for the holidays that may make you never look at a jack-o-lantern the same again.