Peter Jackson And Andy Serkis Weigh In On Potential Of Characters Returning In ‘The Hunt For Gollum’

With The Hunt For Gollum, the working title of a brand new Lord of the Rings film, on the horizon, the nature of the story has caused many fans to speculate if any character from the trilogy could appear. Recently, some of the creative talents in the film weighed in on the possibility. 

The Hunt For Gollum corresponds to events alluded to in both the book and film versions of Fellowship Of The Ring, where Gandalf and Aragorn have to track down Gollum, following Frodo’s inheritance of the One Ring from his uncle. 

While the titular character of Gollum will return in the film, played again by director Andy Serkis, there’s no confirmation if other characters, such as Gandalf or Aragorn, could appear. 

However, while talking to Deadline, Peter Jackson explained his feelings regarding returning to the works of Tolkien, saying, “We really want to explore his backstory and delve into those parts of his journey we didn’t have time to cover in the earlier films. It’s too soon to know who will cross his path, but, suffice to say, we will take our lead from Professor Tolkien.” 

Director Serkis further pushed the idea that nothing is clear yet, according to, by saying the development is not far along, and that “it’s literally all up for grabs.” 

The Hunt For Gollum is currently on track for a 2026 release. 

Raymond Adams: 20 years old, aspiring writer, lives in New England, loves pop culture and all things movies.
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