Another talent from the original Star Wars trilogy has passed away. Angus MacInnes, who played Jon “Dutch” Vander, has passed away at the age of 77. While his most well known role was the original Star Wars, MacInnes had many other appearances in several iconic movies. He is credited for films such as Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, Peter Weir’s Witness, and even had a supporting role in Superman II.
MacInnes had a small role in Star Wars: Episode IV- A New Hope, but played a pivotal part in the film’s third act. As stated earlier, he played Jon Vander, who flew command for a squadron of Y-Wings as Gold Leader during the Battle of Yavin. Although he would be shot down during combat, the battle resulted in a massive success for the Rebellion when Luke Skywalker was able to blow up the Death Star.
MacInnes was also in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, with the filmmakers working off of old footage to have the character present for the space battle in the film’s climax.
According to Hollywood Reporter, MacInnes’ family posted a statement about his passing, and stated how much the fans and community of Star Wars meant to him.
“He was continually humbled, delighted, and honored by the admiration and passion of the fans and convention community,” they said.
The post also stated that MacInnes died peacefully surrounded by his family.