Walt Disney Animation Studios’s has released a trailer promoting their latest animated project Moana. The movie tells the tale of Moana (voiced by Auli’i Cravalho), a Polynesian girl who travels across the ocean with the demi-god Maui (voiced by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) as they come across mystical islands.
What’s most notable about the trailer is the fact that it looks as gorgeous as it is imaginative, possibly even more so than earlier movies from Disney’s 3D-animation studios; Zootopia, Frozen, Tangled etc. The scenic oceanic landscape seen in the trailer demonstrates how Moana’s adventure will feel like a sight seeing tour for the audience. The visuals seen in teaser itself promotes a feeling of tranquility similar to a sunset on the beach.
This movie will be Auli’i Cravalho’s break out role as the title character Moana. Auli’i has had no known experience in film, but earned her debut role for her talent in singing. This role would be Auli’i Cravalho’s first ever for a motion picture, unlike her co-star Johnson who is currently one of the busiest actors in Hollywood.
Moana will be released this Thanksgiving , where moviegoers will see what kind of whimsical adventure is in store for them.