Earlier this week former Navy SEAL, Jason Cabell, embarked on his directorial debut with a feature that he’s also written. The film is titled Running with the Devil and it stars Nicolas Cage and Laurence Fishburne, alongside Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg, Cole Houser, Barry Pepper, and Clifton Collins Jr. Cage plays a chemist employed by the Mexican cartel. After a shipment on its way to Canada becomes compromised Cage and Fishburne are sent out to audit the cartel’s supply chain.
Parts of the story have been pulled from the pages of Cabell’s own life. During his time as a SEAL he worked with the DEA, where he gained invaluable firsthand experience that will hopefully add to the film.
Upon taking a look at Cabell’s IMDB it’s glaringly obvious that the man is fairly new to the business of film making. With about a dozen acting credits beginning in 2015 and no directorial or writing credits it seems as though the success of Running with The Devil is in the hands of a novice. This might be a little unsettling for any Cage fans who hope to see his career reach its former glory. On the other hand, just about every movie he’s agreed to do since Ghost Rider has invoked the same feeling of doubt so perhaps they’re used to it by now.