Alright, let’s see what we have here: post-Apocalyptic wasteland littered with dead bodies and vehicles, leather-clad psychopaths riding bicycles, star Munro Chambers holding a machete and posing like the original Star Wars poster (or the original Transformers movie poster depending on your perspective), other star Laurence Leboeuf with a slightly unnerving smile and a lawn gnome tied to a stick, other-other star Aaron Jeffery with a cowboy outfit and a robot arm, standard movie villain Michael Ironside with a golden eyepatch, a metal skull-face man with a buzz saw for a hand, and more green slime than a Nickelodeon awards show.
Yep, this new poster tells you everything that Turbo Kid is – aside from the absolute bloodbath it turns into by the end, but they probably want to keep the promotional material at least a little bit palatable for a mass audience. The festival favorite is set to play at the Fantasia International Film Festival July 23rd, so if you’re in Montreal and in the mood for an 80’s throwback film, this may be something worth checking out. If you fall into the latter category, but not the former, just pray that “COMING SOON TO A WASTELAND NEAR YOU” means a wider release for Turbo Kid isn’t far off.