Blue Sky Studios, best known for Ice Age and Ferdinand, has another animated film set to release by the end of the year. Its name is Spies in Disguise, their first film to be released under the recent Disney/Fox acquisition. The film is about Lance Sterling (Will Smith), a spy who ends up getting turned into a pigeon due to an experiment created by a young scientist named Walter Beckett (Tom Holland). The third trailer for the upcoming animated film has just been released.
This new trailer still showcases the initial set up, with Sterling becoming a pigeon thanks to Beckett’s experiment, but also features some new elements prior trailers haven’t shown yet. This includes an introduction of the main antagonist along with some more comedic bits of Sterling trying to accomplish his spy work as a bird. The trailer definitely makes sure to feature a lot more action compared to what’s usually expected from a Blue Sky Studios production, but seems to retain the same amount of comedic energy that audiences expect from this studio.
With this being the last major animated film of 2019, Spies in Disguise looks to be a more stylized approach compared to other Blue Sky films. The film does have some major competition, not only being release alongside Star Wars but also so shortly after Frozen 2. However, with its bombastic action, distinct character designs and wacky sense of humor, Spies in Disguise seems enjoyable enough on its own to stand a chance against the other big films of the winter season.
Spies in Disguise is set for release Christmas Day 2019. Watch the Full Trailer Below: