New Photo Shows Another Side of The Millennium Falcon in ‘Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens’

Iger and FalconIger and Falcon

Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Iger and a composite image of the Millennium Falcon

A Fortune interview with Walt Disney Co. CEO Bob Iger revealed a new shot of the version of the Millennium that will be seen in the upcoming Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens. The image shows the boarding side of  the ship in the background with Iger standing in the foreground.

The article credits the image as being a composite created by Industrial Light & Magic. The Millennium Falcon was seen in the trailer for the film that released Thanksgiving weekend and director J.J. Abrams has confirmed the film will use a lot a practical effects. It’s unclear how much of the real Falcon will be included in the film.

Past leaks have included new Stormtrooper helmets as well as Disney releasing some of the character names via retro-designed trading cards.

Keep checking back here, as there’s sure to be more images released before the movie releases December 15, 2015.

Tyler Lyon: When Tyler isn't thinking about the lack of a Canadian presence in D2: The Mighty Ducks, whether Princess Leia can now be considered a Disney Princess or discovering 8-bit classics on his 3DS, he's cheering on the Cubs, Bulls, Bears, Blackhawks, and Hawkeyes.
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